At first, I was really digging this game. Its very pleasing stylistically, the ambient sfx when you put a ribbon down are beautiful. However, a couple of things keep this from getting 5 stars for me. 1) its too easy. I had a few stumpers in the first 3 sets, but toward the end of 3, I figured out an algorithm and blew through sets 4-7 with all perfects, never needing a progression round except for the 6x6 puzzles and even then never resetting a puzzle more than once or twice, and as often because of a logical error on my part as well as: 2) this is probably just me, but sometimes the colors are hard to distinguish, especially in the autumn and winter themed sets. It was pretty lame to get the final move of an otherwise perfect puzzle wrong because the shades of blue were too similar. A good game, but it needs more variety besides just bigger puzzles and more colors. They dont make it harder really, just take longer.